The name "Ontario" comes from the Iroquois word "Kanadario" meaning "sparkling water." The name is fitting: not only is Ontario bordered on the south by the Great Lakes and on the north by Hudson Bay, but 177 390 km2, or one sixth of its terrain, is covered by rivers and lakes.
Located in the western part of Canada, Saskatchewan is bordered by Manitoba, Alberta, the Northwest Territories and the United States. The province is almost rectangular in shape and is 651 900 km2 in area. Half of it consists of forests, one third of cultivated lands, and one eighth is covered with water
The westernmost of Canada's three Prairie provinces, Alberta lies between the 49th and 60th parallels, at virtually the same latitude as the United Kingdom. Alberta is 1217 km from north to south and between 293 and 650 km in width from west to cast. Nearly equal in size to the state of Texas, the province covers an area of some 661 185 km2
British Columbia is Canada's westernmost province and one of North America's most mountainous regions. B.C. is bordered by the province of Alberta, the Yukon Territory and several U.S. states, including Alaska. Given its location. British Columbia is a gateway to the Pacific and Asia. Sometimes simply categorized as part of Canada's "West". the province is actually a distinct region both geographically and cultural.
Bordered by Ontario, Saskatchewan, the Northwest Territories, Hudson Bay and the United States, Manitoba is one of the three Prairie provinces and is located in the centre of Canada
Its 650 000 km2 of landscape offers few extremes. Elevations rise slowly to the south and west from sea level at Hudson Bay. Most of Manitoba lies between 150 and 300 m above sea level, but in the Turtle, Riding, Duck and Baldy mountains, heights rise to 700 m or higher. The highest point in Manitoba is Baldy Mountain, in Duck Mountain Provincial Park, at 831 m.
Nestled into the northeast corner of North America, facing the North Atlantic, is Newfoundland, Canada's most easterly province. Lying between the 46th and 61st parallels, the province consists of two distinct geographical entities: Newfoundland and Labrador.
Nova Scotia's 580-km-long peninsula is surrounded by four bodies of water -the Atlantic Ocean, the Bay of Fundy, the Northumberland Strait and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Its geographic location, together with large, ice-free, deep-water harbours, has been a key factor in the province's economic development.
New Brunswick borders on Nova Scotia, Quebec and the U.S. state of Maine. It is almost rectangular in shape, extending 322 km north to south and 242 km east to west. It is more or less surrounded by water on three sides.
The Northwest Territories (N.W.T.) includes all of Canada north of the 60th parallel, except the Yukon and portions of Quebec and Newfoundland. From the 60th parallel, the N.W.T. stretches 3560 km to the North Pole, and 4256 km from east to west, covering 3 426 32() km2. and including the islands in Hudson, James and Ungava bays.
Bordered by Ontario, New Brunswick and Labrador (the mainland portion of the province of Newfoundland) and by the United States, Quebec has an area of 1 450 680 km', three times that of France and seven times that of Great Britain, making it the largest of Canada's provinces. The province is almost entirely surrounded by water: by Hudson Strait to the north, the St. Lawrence River and Gulf to the south, and James Bay and Hudson Bay to the west.
One of the four Atlantic Provinces, Prince Edward Island is also Canada's smallest province in both area and population. The crescent-shaped island is 224 km in length and ranges in width from 6 to 64 km, giving it a total area of 5 660 km2. It lies in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, separated from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick by Northumberland Strait. Its highest point is 152 m above sea level. The province has numerous lakes and rivers, most of which are quite small.
The Yukon Territory in Canada's northwest covers 483 450 km2. The perimeters of this mountainous territory form a rough triangle bordered on the south by British Columbia. on the west by the U.S. state of Alaska and on the east by the Northwest Territories. The northern tip of the triangle meets the chilly waters of the Beautfort Sea. Mount Logan, Canada's highest peak at 6000 m. is located in southwestern Yukon