CowHeart(1).gif (1359 bytes)smcow.gif (970 bytes) info (more)

s give us milk and butter and all that fun dairy
smcow.gif (970 bytes) makes milk after she has a calf.The
smcow.gif (970 bytes) makes a very special milk for her calf;
it is called colostrum. Colostrum has extra
vitamins and protein and is very good for the calf.
There are many different milk and dairy products
that fit into every diet – from whole milk to skim.
All types of milk are put into bottles and cartons
and taken to grocery stores for you to buy.
Milk is good for you. In the morning you probably
have milk on your cereal. Did you know that cows
love cereal too?  Well not everyone likes cows milk
which is kewl by me but I personally love milk and
dont understand what the harm in it is..
If u want more info on non dairy products there
is this web site u might wanna check out - -
I think maybe ppl are scared of the genetically
engineered hormone called recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone (BGH)

that is sometimes used on smcow.gif (970 bytes)s.. there is some really good information about this at this

web site :

barn3.gif (1228 bytes)